30 Jan 2017
Thai-German Partnership on Integrated Disaster Risk Management and Assessment Strategy
The Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Act from 2007 provides the Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation (DDPM) of Thailand, under the Ministry of Interior with a mandate to coordinate activities with all disaster risk management (DRM) stakeholders and facilitate a process of learning and innovation within Thailand’s risk management system. Since the act provides DRM-mechanisms for the authorities’ at all administrative levels, DDPM’s role is to establish a systematic DRM process by facilitating cooperation and collaboration among government, civil society, private sector and academic stakeholders. With the Global Initiative on Disaster Risk Management (GIDRM) as its partner, DDPM is moving forward to a knowledge incubation for integrated disaster risk management and assessment procedure by conducting a stakeholder involvement process.
Preliminary work, from January 30th to February 2nd, DDPM organised a “Workshop and Training on Integrated Disaster Risk Management and Assessment Procedure for Thailand”, with technical support of the GIDRM and the German Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK). Deputy Head of Mission, the Embassy of German Bangkok, Dr. Peer Gebauer, granted his speech at the opening session together with the DDPM’s Deputy Director General.
In a key note statement, Mr. Stefan Helming, GIZ’s Country Director for Thailand and Malaysia, stressed out the urgent need for mainstreaming disaster risk management into the development agenda, increase practical knowledge-sharing and jointly create smart disaster risk management solutions. For this reason, he considered the event to be a good opportunity for all participants to learn more about the German Integrated Risk Management and Assessment approach and welcomed the trainer/resource person, Mr. Peter Lauwe, Head of the Risk Management and Protection Concepts for Critical Infrastructure Section at BBK, under the German Federal Ministry of the Interior.
Mr. Lauwe provided insight on the German integrated risk assessment system along with a set of useful techniques and methods for Thai specialists, to help them develop a systematic DRM approach at national and sub-national level as well as identify gaps to be filled.
A total of 130 participants from several Thai sector ministries and DDPM’s line agencies participated at the training. The Thai participants learned how to assess potential risks that could compromise public safety, align the Thai risk assessment system to German/International standards, and implement preventive measures to reduce risks. As a next step, DDPM will conduct a series of trainings and establish an Expert Group for developing the integrated risk assessment methodology for Thailand.