risk-informed development
The Global Initiative on Disaster Risk Management (GIDRM) supports partner countries in their efforts against extreme events, to safeguard development and to protect lives. To minimize risk creation and foster resilience of people and infrastructure, stakeholders across all sectors need to be strengthened in their capacities to understand risks and apply approaches to fully integrate disaster and climate risks in decision-making processes.
In its fourth phase (2023-2026), GIDRM IV aims to strengthen the application of DRM-approaches as integrated solutions in selected development cooperation projects and their partner structures.
About GIDRMarrow_forward GIDRM III:
Promoting risk-informed development
GIDRM II: Coherence in Practice and Regional Initiatives
GIDRM I: Products
Discover our products for DRM of the first phase of the project “Made in and with Germany”.
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Integrated risk management towards risk-informed investment in Georgia
GIZ’s approach to risk-informed decision-making in Georgian municipalities The gathering of stakeholders, jointly organized…
International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction 2023 – Fighting inequality for a resilient future
By 2030, the world will face some 1.5 significant disasters per day (UNDRR, 2022). About 75% of extreme weather events are…
Enhancing Municipal Preparedness for Geological Hazards in Georgia
Georgia faces unique challenges in managing and mitigating disaster risks and disasters due to its diverse landscape and…