
Against the backdrop of rising global challenges from disaster risks, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) has set up the Global Initiative on Disaster Risk Management (GIDRM) in 2013. The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) is implementing the project. GIDRM aims to strengthen the German contribution to improve disaster risk management worldwide and to support the implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (SFDRR).


In its fourth phase (2023-2026), GIDRM IV aims to strengthen the application of disaster risk management approaches as integrated solutions in selected development cooperation projects and their partner structures.

More information on the current phase of the Global Initiative on Disaster Risk Management available here



Disasters can suddenly wipe out many years of development achievements and reduce the development opportunities of the affected countries. In spite of the increasing awareness of the complex and systemic nature of risks, they are still not always adequately taken into account in the planning and programming of development measures, whether in the partner regions and countries or on the part of international donors. A lack of ability to understand and manage systemic risks jeopardizes the achievement of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (2015-2030) and the Sustainable Development Goals. Advances in poverty reduction, disease control, and access to health, education and social services are fragile and undermined by new and emerging threats.

Against this background, the third phase of GIDRM (from December 2020 until November 2023) was geared towards strengthening risk-informed development. GIDRM III aims at supporting selected decision-makers, regional organisations and initiatives in Southern Africa, Asia and Latin America in strenghtening their capacities and skills to use risk-informed development while taking account of context-specific fragility factors.

There is no doubt, that we will need to transform the way we govern risk. Risk-informed development is an understanding of development that takes into account a wide range of independent, dynamic, transnational and in some cases simultaneous development risks.

Find more information on the complexity of risks, risk-informed development and risk governance here:

Learn more


The second phase of GIDRM began in February 2018 and ended in November 2020. GIDRM II supported selected international and national, governmental and non-governmental actors in their ambition to achieve coherence between the Sendai Framework and the Paris Climate Agreement, as well as the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development and the New Urban Agenda, with regards to planning, implementing and reporting on disaster risk management.

The project identified national and subnational examples of successful agenda-coherence. These so-called good practices were presented at regional platforms in Latin America and the Caribbean and in the Asia Pacific Region and subsequently introduced as regional recommendations at international conferences, such as the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction.

For more information on our approach, goal and partners in the second phase of GIDRM, please click here.

GIDRM II: Overview


The first phase of the project began in May 2013 and ended in January 2018. GIDRM I had aimed at matching the demand for specialized services and technologies ‘Made in and with Germany’ more effectively. To this end, it brought together German and regional experts from the public and private sector, academia and civil society to facilitate mutual learning across regions and to develop and pilot innovative solutions.

The three priority areas were:

  1. Strengthening disaster response preparedness and civil protection
  2. Resilient critical infrastructure and economic cycles
  3. (Further) development of effective early warning systems

For more information on these products, please click here.

See our Products of GIDRM I